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First top activity of AAF: Jeffrey Sachs on sustainable development post-Covid

May 4th 2021 – 15.00 PM

Jeffrey Sachs is widely recognized for his bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including debt crises, hyperinflations and the battle against human-induced climate changes. He has written numerous books, received several awards and is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University as well as President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.   

His talk will focus on sustainable development in the Post-Covid era

Will the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic represent an opportunity to “build back better” in seeking sustainable and equitable solutions to longstanding challenges? Professor Sachs considers how this can be achieved and what kind of blueprint the Sustainable Development Goals provide for recovery. 

& Transatlantic Relations under US President Joe Biden   

After 4 years of “America first” under former US president Donald Trump, 46th US president Joe Biden is welcomed as an opportunity for Europe to strengthen US-EU relations. Professor Sachs also underlines the urgency for more global cooperation because “storms, heat waves and emerging diseases don’t stop at national borders.”  

Introducing professor Sachs is Geert Noels, CEO Econopolis, economist, opinion maker and author.

You can register here.

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