Round up of Antwerp America foundations’ event with William Drozdiak
21 March 2022, the Antwerp America Foundation welcomed author and transatlantic expert William Drozdiak for a riveting lively presentation about the future of Europe and the new world order.
With the war in Ukraine raging at our European borders, Drozdiak offered a sharp and rigorously researched analysis of Europe’s many challenges. For his latest book ‘The Last President of Europe: Emmanuel Macron’s Race to Revive France and Save the World‘, the knowledgeable American observer of European Affairs spent many hours and days interviewing French president Emmanuel Macron on regional and international topics. During these conversations the French president told Mr Drozdiak that the European Union needs to finally wake up and focus on the looming existential challenges Europe will be facing in the future.
The evening with the renowned speaker William Drozdiak was once more an insightful and successful event of the Antwerp America Foundation.